Wound Care
When time and conventional treatment don't heal wounds, we do
If you or a loved one has a non-healing sore or wound, our Program can help. New advances have turned wound care into a unique specialty field and made many older treatments obsolete. Our Wound Care Program is a Center of Excellence that offers this new expertise. It is dedicated to healing wounds, saving limbs and restoring each patient's quality of life.
When to Call the Wound Care Program
If your wound has persisted six weeks or longer, it is time to call us. Nothing is gained by waiting. In healthy people, sores heal within this time period. If they do not, they are likely to take months or years to heal and after even a short time, they can cause serious complications, including anemia, weakness, loss of protein, infection, systemic disease, bone infection, limb amputation and in some cases, death.
How the Wound Care Program Helps
Our specialists use the latest research and innovations in wound treatment which make it possible to accelerate healing and reduce the risk of serious complications. These innovations include a combination of:
An Interdisciplinary Treatment Plan. The wound is not just a specific, local problem. We must treat the whole patient and the underlying conditions that caused the wound and keep it from healing, which may range from nutritional deficiencies to circulatory problems.
State-of-the-Art Surgical Intervention. In many cases, deep surgical cleansing of the wound, skin grafts or closing the wound with a special surgical procedure is the only way to promote healing and prevent recurrences.
The Newest Medications and Techniques. These range from growth hormones to intensive oxygen immersion (hyperbaric oxygenation).
Specialists the Wound Care Program Provides
Our Wound Care Program Director will oversee your care and coordinate the array of experts and special services you may need. Our interdisciplinary program includes:
- Nurse specialists in wound care
- Board Certified plastic, general and vascular surgeons
- Board Certified Diabetes specialists
- Podiatrists
- Nutritionists
- Physical Therapists
- Laboratory and diagnostic services including non-invasive vascular studies
- Hyperbaric Oxygenation
- Radiology
- The latest pharmaceutical agents
- Up-to-date knowledge about advances in wound treatment
- Quality hospital services

How the Wound Care Program Can Help You
If you or your loved one's wound has persisted for six weeks, call Temple Community Hospital's Wound Care Program.
As a public service and at no charge, our Program Director will send a nurse specialist to your residence to evaluate the wound and make treatment recommendations. The nurse will discuss your case with our Medical/Surgical Director and if further studies are needed or if surgery is indicated, the nurse will help make all the necessary arrangements.
If surgery is performed, the nurse will visit you weekly to monitor your post-operative progress until the site is healed.
To learn more about our Wound Care Services, please provide the following information:
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